
Holistic Wellness with Amanda

We will be deep-diving into the importance of women’s wellness in a Q&A with Amanda. No matter your concerns, Amanda is on-hand for a complimentary consultation to put your mind ease and offer the best solution, completely tailored to you.


5 Top Tips for a Healthy Gut

An upset tummy is something most of us experience at some point. Sometimes it is the unlucky onslaught of food poisoning, but often poor gut health is to blame. So how can you keep your gut healthy and happy?


How to get the body you always wanted

Your body is beautiful. But maybe you aren’t quite happy with it. Rather than longing for someone else’s body, it’s time to focus on how to get the most out of your unique body. This starts with making a realistic plan.


Menopause…. madness and mayhem

Menopause can have a lot of different effects on your skin due to decreasing hormone levels. Menopause marks the end of the reproductive stage of your life, your ovaries cease to work and therefore, you stop producing oestrogen.