
How to slow down skin ageing

How old are you? Now, how old is your skin? Yes, those 2 answers can be very different.

No amount of dermal fillers, Botox or chemical peels is going to magically make your skin appear youthful if you’re not taking steps to protect it from one of the most damaging factors out there: the sun.


Enjoy targeted, expert skincare at home. Here’s how.

Your skin is unique and so are your skincare problems. And that makes figuring out which of the thousands of skincare products out there are genuinely going to help you an overwhelming challenge. But help is at hand.


Tattoo Removal

Whether you are looking to remove your tattoo because of a negative connotation associated with the tattoo or simply because you decide to replace the existing tattoo with a newer design, I’m very excited to now have the new Hollywood Spectra Q- switched laser from Lutronics, which provides the highest standard in-clinic treatments available.


Advice on skin ageing

Changes that occur to your skin through age, are largely affected by the underlying structures all over your body. As you age, there are changes to muscles, bones, joints and these all affect your posture and the way you walk, leading to weakness and slowed movements, especially in women during menopause. The bones lose calcium and minerals leading to a loss of bony mass and density as they age.


Male skincare and skin health

Do men just need to splash out on a bit of aftershave to have their facial features and skin quality improve? Is good skin health and skincare just for women? Let’s disperse a few myths…



As we are coming into the summer months and we all want to get out into the sun, it’s really important that we protect our skin with sunscreen, it needs to be an adequate balance of exposure to the sun and getting an adequate dose of vitamin D for the day and then UV rays causing sun damage.