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about Hair Restoration?

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Hair loss restoration typically begins with an initial consultation with Amanda, during which she conducts a thorough assessment of your hair loss concerns. Amanda will first use the innovative Fagron TrichoTest™, a genetic test for hair loss that analyses gene variations and lifestyle factors, enabling her to truly customise your treatment plan. Amanda then discusses various treatment options suited to your needs, which may include supplements, injectable platelet-rich fibrin (IPRF) therapy, exosome therapy, LaseMD Ultra™, and specialised hair care systems like Calecim. Additionally, Amanda is here to provide ongoing support for individuals both before and after their hair transplant, ensuring comprehensive care throughout your journey.

These treatments are designed to stimulate hair growth, enhance hair density, and promote overall scalp health. Exosome therapy targets existing stem cells in the scalp, whereas IPRF stimulates tissue repair and regeneration. LaseMD Ultra™ works to stimulate hair follicles, encouraging the growth of thicker, healthier hair. Additionally, specialised hair care systems like Calecim provide targeted nourishment and support for optimal hair health.




A personalised hair restoration plan

Takes approximately 1 hour

No downtime

Hair restoration treatments can help with various causes of hair loss, offering effective solutions to restore confidence and vitality to your hair.

These treatments are also ideal for those whose hair is thinning or becoming sparse due to aging-related factors. As we age, changes in hormone levels, reduced blood circulation to the scalp, and decreased hair follicle activity contribute to hair thinning and loss.

With advanced restoration techniques such as injectable platelet-rich fibrin (IPRF) therapy, prescription medications, exosome therapy, LaseMD Ultra™, and specialised hair care systems like Calecim, those experiencing age-related hair changes can stimulate thicker, healthier hair. Exosome therapy utilises your own skin cells to regenerate hair follicles, while LaseMD Ultra™ works to stimulate hair follicles, encouraging the growth of thicker, healthier hair. Additionally, specialised hair care products like Calecim provide targeted nourishment and support for optimal hair health.

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Before the treatment, Amanda will conduct a thorough consultation where she'll review your medical history and discuss your hair loss concerns. This personalised approach ensures that the treatment plan is tailored to address your specific needs effectively.

Results from hair restoration treatments vary depending on the individual and the type of treatment used. While some may notice improvements after a few sessions, significant results typically become more apparent over several months of treatment.

Most hair restoration treatments are well-tolerated and involve minimal discomfort. However, some may experience mild discomfort during or after certain procedures, which can be managed with topical numbing creams or pain medication if necessary.

The number of sessions required depends on several factors, including the severity of hair loss, the type of treatment used, and the response to the treatment.


"Unlock the journey to renewed confidence with our personalised hair restoration treatments."



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